Laura: Do you want to keep this flowery towel Christmas gift from Aunt Lynda?
Adam: That's not a towel. It's a really thick scarf.
Laura: Honey, it's so garish.
Adam: Garish? Really? It looked french to me.
Ironic! I have a sister named “Lynda” (yes, with a “Y”), and she’s aunt, of course, to my sons. She’s been to France (along with several other countries) more than once, and many times she brings us a brightly-colored scarf as a souvenir. Which, because that’s not my taste (or my husband’s or sons’) it usually gets put in the pile that gets donated to the thrift store.
I believe she meant garish as in excessively or disturbingly vivid, or tastelessly showy. In any case, who cares? Wear it under your jacket and no one will know. It DOES match what she is wearing! ;) Why is it one minute Adam seems smart and the next he’s not?
dante.deangelo almost 15 years ago
I love it!
Would the Garish be from Gary, Indiana?
dante.deangelo almost 15 years ago
Thanks, Einstein.
WoodEye almost 15 years ago
General Humanities, I know of him. He was a military failure because he refused to kill anything.
Constantinepaleologos almost 15 years ago
Garish means it comes from Bulgaria.
alondra almost 15 years ago
Send it to Carmen of “Pooch Cafe.” She never wears anything but orange. Though it seems to match your outfit today Laura.
COWBOY7 almost 15 years ago
Just don’t wear it anywhere else!
Yukoneric almost 15 years ago
Lawdy, it’s gawdy…..
Karen345 almost 15 years ago
Love it.
Smiley Rmom almost 15 years ago
Ironic! I have a sister named “Lynda” (yes, with a “Y”), and she’s aunt, of course, to my sons. She’s been to France (along with several other countries) more than once, and many times she brings us a brightly-colored scarf as a souvenir. Which, because that’s not my taste (or my husband’s or sons’) it usually gets put in the pile that gets donated to the thrift store.
bald almost 15 years ago
garish or not, if it keeps ya warm, who cares ?
Doctor Toon:
sorry about your cold spell. i woke up today to a veritable heat wave.. it is 27 degrees out and no snow in the forecast
celeconecca almost 15 years ago
Towel or scarf - I’d use it this week - it’s cold in SC!
AndiJ almost 15 years ago
I believe she meant garish as in excessively or disturbingly vivid, or tastelessly showy. In any case, who cares? Wear it under your jacket and no one will know. It DOES match what she is wearing! ;) Why is it one minute Adam seems smart and the next he’s not?