Adam@Home by Rob Harrell for August 22, 2010
Adam: Okay, kids. Here are the lists of your "required" school supplies. Clayton: Five individual, solid colored, three-ring binders. Katy: Five hundred sheets of holed, college ruled, perforated notebook paper. Clayton: Set of eight washable, multi-colored, fine point, dry-erase markers. Katy: Two nontoxic. Clear dry, biodegradable glue sticks. Clayton: Box of 48-count multicolor crayons, with built-in sharpener. Katy: One pair of safety scissors, a real purple pony and magic wand. Clayton: One playstation three, ten no. 2 pencils, and a protractor. Adam: Wait a second. How daft do you think I am? A protractor? At your grade level? I don't think so. Excuse me. Can you direct me to your electronics, purple pony and magic wand sections?
The Duke 1 over 14 years ago
Um, totally around the bend?
nurbz over 14 years ago
doesn’t the playstation hook to the net for “research”?
Yukoneric over 14 years ago
Sad when students are required to buy teachers’ supplies!
halfabug over 14 years ago
couldn’t aford the playstation,our list was 3 times that.
PreciousRoy over 14 years ago
that is a silly man there are no such things as what he is asking for! so silly!