Adam; Honey, watching those chef shows has inspired me. Laura; To cook new recipes? Adam; To eat new recipes. Adam; To eat and cook new recipes. Laura; Good idea. I've never been a big fan of crow.
This strip frequently puts the punchline before the last line. (Or has more than one punchline.) But it would have been better for Laura to end with a simple, “Good idea.”
Comicsexpert over 13 years ago
laura’s last line doesn’t quite work
vzs1022 over 13 years ago
I agree. The strip would’ve worked nicely ending with just Adam’s words
Destiny23 over 13 years ago
This strip frequently puts the punchline before the last line. (Or has more than one punchline.) But it would have been better for Laura to end with a simple, “Good idea.”
BTW, cook should come before eat, Adam!
dante.deangelo over 13 years ago
Maybe just a “How ’about some crow?”
edrush over 13 years ago
The idea is that Adam’s initial statement implied that Laura would have to cook it, for his pleasure.
CashewJim over 13 years ago
And just try that and you will eat crow cause thats what I will cook for you.
COWBOY7 over 13 years ago
Good recovery, Adam.