Adam@Home by Rob Harrell for August 19, 2012
Katy: Can we go to the zoo. Daddy? Adam: No way! I'm afraid of marsupials! And that place is loaded with them. Katy: What's a marsupial? Adam: It's a type of mammal. Katy: And why don't you like them? Adam: They've got pouches... Mysterious pouches. Katy: Why mysterious? Adam: It's like this pocket in their body. Katy: A body pocket? I want one. Adam: And you never know what they're going to pull out of there. Katy: Sorta like mom's purse? Adam: Mom's purse is more mysterious. Adam: In fact, urban legend says it's where the government puts folk sin their witness relocation program.
NE1956 over 12 years ago
Add a bunch of nuts to those bananas, Katy, and you’re still too far from your dad’s mysteriousness.
Odd Dog Premium Member over 12 years ago
Katy’s on to him
Lyons Group, Inc. over 12 years ago
In first panel, Katy should’ve been carrying a stuffed Winky The Bear instead of a stuffed kangaroo.
celeconecca over 12 years ago
Adam’s explanation is less than appeeling
Doctor11 over 12 years ago
Yeah, your dad is bananas, Katy.
Cofyjunky over 12 years ago
Keep up the lazy, fat-a$$ routine Adam, and your daughter will not only think you’re bananas, but an uneducated loser, too. Basset and Harrell have GOT to modernize Adam. It’s no longer funny to be that stupid or lazy anymore. Adam only serves to be a warning to future hot wives whose husbands are getting complacent.
bluezcafe over 12 years ago
what? wasted Sunday comic…
Comic Minister Premium Member over 12 years ago