Adam@Home by Rob Harrell for December 22, 2012
Laura; I think I'm done with all the Christmas shopping. Adam; How'd we do on our budget? Laura; Not bad. But I don't want you buying me anything expensive. Adam; Me? I would never? Adam; Hee hee. Little does she know I socked a little away especially for her. Laura; Adam, why is there a sock full of pizza coupons in your drawers?
firedome about 12 years ago
yep…socked away…literally…
davidh48 about 12 years ago
Doc, the best Things in life are not “Things”.
After that, it gets difficult providing a spouse with something interesting; especially if the spouse is not yours.
Merry Christmas!
-Doc Holliday
Perkycat about 12 years ago
A whole night at Chuck E. Cheese’s – my worst nightmare!!!!!I hope Adam has another sock.
paulcfx about 12 years ago
I think this plan of Adam’s has the chance of being quite romantic. If the coupons are for delivered pizzas it would result in less time spent on dinner prep and more time for “other” pursuits!
SHIVA about 12 years ago
That moron is clueless and a cheapskate with the most important person in his miserable life, with the exception of his offspring. It wouldn’t be this way if he got off his fat ass and got a real job.
mvw about 12 years ago
Check out Tim Wilson’s “Chuck E. Cheese Hell” thats where Adam is headed.