It is ancient wisdom because, throughout history, rulers who normally despised each other have banded together to combat a greater threat. World War 2 is an example of this, with Britain, America and Soviet Russia allied against Nazi Germany and the other Axis powers, in spite of their many differences. Once the threat is ended, of course, things will likely go right back to the way they were.
J Quest over 5 years ago
Present company excepted? (and why does Berle’s friend remind me of a grown-up version of Shermy from Peanuts?)
WCraft Premium Member over 5 years ago
Obviously, you’ve never posted a political comment before.
corpcasselbury over 5 years ago
It is ancient wisdom because, throughout history, rulers who normally despised each other have banded together to combat a greater threat. World War 2 is an example of this, with Britain, America and Soviet Russia allied against Nazi Germany and the other Axis powers, in spite of their many differences. Once the threat is ended, of course, things will likely go right back to the way they were.
Omniman almost 2 years ago
The enemy of my enemy might be a good candidate for a temporary alliance, but not necessarily.