I had to go to summer school once. Back when I was in school you either “got it” or “weren’t applying yourself” and there was trouble. My downfall was, and is, math. Turns out I have a learning disability in that area.My grandsons go to school. I am APPALLED at the amount of homework, and the teaching methods now. It wasn’t good when I was a kid, and I’m in my late 60s, but it’s enough to wear out and really discourage kids now.
gzitver over 8 years ago
Five book reports? It’s times like this when i think Agnes’s classroom rebelliousness is justified.
ladylagomorph76 over 8 years ago
I had to go to summer school once. Back when I was in school you either “got it” or “weren’t applying yourself” and there was trouble. My downfall was, and is, math. Turns out I have a learning disability in that area.My grandsons go to school. I am APPALLED at the amount of homework, and the teaching methods now. It wasn’t good when I was a kid, and I’m in my late 60s, but it’s enough to wear out and really discourage kids now.