I did buy the fountain to try to keep them from trying to drink out of the faucet, but never a glass. Good thinking. Love Dan’s expressions on all three panels.
I’m not sure if he was satisfied by that explanation because cat, or if he’d reminded himself of Amanda’s Weird* Kid status in Panel 2.
*Not a political statement.
Well duh! Where can I get the ‘weird kid’ T?
November 16, 2016
FunnyReader - 2022 Premium Member 6 months ago
I did buy the fountain to try to keep them from trying to drink out of the faucet, but never a glass. Good thinking. Love Dan’s expressions on all three panels.
some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member 6 months ago
I’m not sure if he was satisfied by that explanation because cat, or if he’d reminded himself of Amanda’s Weird* Kid status in Panel 2.
*Not a political statement.
tammyspeakslife Premium Member 6 months ago
Well duh! Where can I get the ‘weird kid’ T?