Morning, Anniephans!And bye-bye to Hersh Cosmetics, too. Patsy knows nothing about running a company.
And will we ever find out what happened to her brother?
Here’s the link to Annie 2004 .
It’s fairly obvious… he saw no way out of his dilemma and chose to end the pain. His thinking was in a downward spiral.
davidf42 almost 12 years ago
Morning, Anniephans!And bye-bye to Hersh Cosmetics, too. Patsy knows nothing about running a company.
And will we ever find out what happened to her brother?
Here’s the link to Annie 2004 .
TruckerRon almost 12 years ago
It’s fairly obvious… he saw no way out of his dilemma and chose to end the pain. His thinking was in a downward spiral.