Annie by Jay Maeder and Alan Kupperberg for June 18, 2015

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    Starman1948  over 9 years ago

    Good morning Annie fans. The Phantom Commando is in for a surprise. Maybe the police are too.-————The vision in my left eye is a little better today. Objects are a somewhat clearer.-———-Be happy and healthy my friends.

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    davidf42  over 9 years ago

    Morning, Anniephans!

    Hahdah!Glad it’s coming along, Starman!

    Here’s the link to the 2006 Annie story, “What Bugs You.”

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    jrankin1959  over 9 years ago

    FAMOUS COSTUMED CRIMEFIGHTERS SCHOOLBoca Raton, FLLesson #37: When Out of Character“Out of character” means exactly that – out. Not giving the general public even the tiniest hint of what you do when “in character,” or even that another character exists at all. Do you honestly believe the “mild mannered reporter” bit done by K.El/C. Kent (Class of ‘33, Dean Emeritus) is the TRUE personality of the last surviving son of the planet Krypton embodied with super-powers? In the case of Captain Snafu above, it’s generally not a good idea to go into civilian clothes, but wear a t-shirt with the EXACT SAME LOGO as your alter-ego, especially if you’re gong into a place where you get your inspirational source material, and the authorities are hot on the trail of your latest adventure.Having said that, it IS good that he’s finally out of the costume, which must surely smell a bit
 gamey by now. (We hope he has some kind of laundry facility in secret cave and isn’t fool enough to take his outfit to a public laundromat

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    banjinshiju  over 9 years ago

    I wonder if his last name is Cranston.

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    HAL69  over 9 years ago

    Hmm, interesting to see how Captain Snafu
er, I mean, “Uncle Lamont” would react of a police presence, or will Annie unwittingly hint at his other identity? Will she shout out “DEATH TO SPIES?”

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    Starman1948  over 9 years ago

    @davidf42: thank you, my friend.-——@Nun’Ya Bidness : the air bubble should be absorbed within 2 weeks. I’m not driving until I can see out of both eyes though. Thank you, my friend.

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