Annie by Jay Maeder and Alan Kupperberg for November 26, 2017

  1. Tumblr mbbz3vrusj1qdlmheo1 250
    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  about 7 years ago

    “The Saga of Dr. Dark”(24) 11/25-26/2017

    Interview by a vampire

    His biggest breakthrough was when he met vampires from the hidden Vampire Empire. They are wanting to, since Parthia, to have a country again, a visible country of their own. They need his help to do it and they will pay generously including if he sets up shop in their proposed country of Belo-Rada which will encompass some of the sacred lands of very ancient times. He is going to see them soon. He has been aware of them from an early time in his long life. And his ability to resist their powers that they can’t hurt him. Nor will they want to and they have much longer memories and even longer lives.

    He first noticed it when an intrusion into his mind kept bothering him. Not overwhelming, but persistent like a female mosquito buzzing near your ear. The “voice” was whispering at first like the voices said to be “heard” by schizophrenics and those disposed to it. Just on the edge of understandibility. As time went on it got stronger till it interrupted his thoughts.

    It was then he returned the psychic call. The being is a vampire, one of the oldest of them who is like a roving ambassador who has found out he is awakened again. (Rather similar to many animals and indeed near supernatural vampire species will take time out to aestivate. Not exactly hibernation, but very close to it as bears and frogs do. The one contacting him might be male. It really doesn’t matter to them since that is not how they reproduce. (He wrote a treatise for the Selinite Society on it in his past. It was at the urging of one of his colleagues of the time a professor Gottwor Bulwer, who studied all kinds of predators and predation both natural and supernatural, who was most persistent that he do so. This was in 1800 AD at Wisborg in Hanover.)

    He finally got a name of his contact, Óś Vilyehm Valka, vampire extraordinaire.

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  2. Rick
    davidf42  about 7 years ago

    Morning, Anniephans!


    Here’s today’s link:


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