Annie by Jay Maeder and Alan Kupperberg for December 09, 2017

  1. Tumblr mbbz3vrusj1qdlmheo1 250
    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  about 7 years ago

    “The Saga of Dr. Dark”(25) 12/9-10/2017

    Interview by a vampire

    Dr. Dark has a bite, so-to-speak, from a diplomat who is famous both in and out of his vampire world. His display of his “tongue” to Dr.Dark was just a bit of showmanship. He knows many things about them. So many species and subspecies of them. Most of whom are parasitical in nature. Though in the higher forms such as humans, they actually develop a kind of culture about them. Ӝ Vilyehm Valka, vampire extraordinaire. Really isn’t a boast nor a joke. In a way Dr. Dark is honored by the hidden Vampire Nation sending one of their most capable agents to meet with him. (Also to test his own reputation, he doesn’t doubt.)

    “What language is most comfortable for you to communicate in, herr doktor?” Valka asked in his Hungarian pronounced German. Dr. Dark had a time translating it since the accent ruined the original language like an Inquisitor using the “pear” on a woman during a slow night of torture to get her to talk. Too much screaming.

    “That Hungarian you rake that German across would be fine,” Dr. Dark answered laconically giving him a smile not quite as wide as the vampire had given him.

    Valka actually gave him a hearty laugh back.

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  2. Rick
    davidf42  about 7 years ago

    “Death Worms From Planet X”! Of all the lousy movies, and I’ve made some real trash, Annie!

    “Behold, the moon is full! But the shadow of the Worm Goddess falls not yet upon the land!” Boy! The Worm Goddess must have written this!

    Italian Police have (freed three) detainees.

    “Lack of evidence!” Ho! We are crafty fellows!

    Let us find our track and return to our movie making brothers!

    But stay not far behind them

    They have boarded the train, my Commander!

    Very well!

    Our birds fly, Count Oliviero! They will be with you soon!

    Thanks, chief. I’ll be in touch.

    Aha! Now the action begins! Three key men returning to this film site! Two of them terrorists snakes! And one a secret agent infiltrator!

    Count Oliviero! Tomorrow we move to location shooting in the hills! Surely too rugged for you! But we have enjoyed your company!

    But no! I wish to observe all! How I love the cinema! I will go with you! Yas!

    Eh! Our imbecile new producer will not leave!

    The man has accredited himself to us! Hmm! I wonder!

    Nope, Count Oliviero goes nowhere because he’s got unfinished business with your rotten kind!

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  3. Rick
    davidf42  about 7 years ago

    Morning, Anniephans!


    Today’s translation isn’t perfect but I feel it’s the best I can do at present.


    Here’s today’s link:


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  4. Missing large
    micromos  about 7 years ago

    Why are the colored funnies words always blurred?

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