The vampire nation will be contacting him soon.He really needs to start recruiting for his hacking-cracking outfit. The regular internet has some interesting places, but the so called “dark web” he fashions his own browser to explore it. Not much there really, porn, guns and mostly junk. But he did find what amounted to a bulletin board looking for “hot shot crackers” for hire. That is what he wants. Bringing alone some of his most human looking homonculi who can learn this and be the core beginning of his new cyber team. First he needs to get them in schools to learn the material.
And so ladies, tonight we consider the rest of our lives, all that lies before us.
As for me, I am off to the war again in a few hours. I’ll try to stay in touch.
Morton’s, east 45 th street, New York
So many times have I left you behind, Annie! Off I’ve always gone! Again and again! How well I grasp that! But alas, wars are made to be fought!
I know, Daddy!
And so tomorrow I will fly away. But it remains your war as well, child. Every bit as much as mine! And I know you will fight it well and true!
Yes, Annie, well and true! For every real American! For every good soul who still trusts n decency and justice in this life!
Hah! Not those educators, whose shameful fealty is to all that we have opposed! The arsonous fools amok in the public dialog, celebrating those who would destroy us!
Here we are today, eh! A generation of our best intelligence! Men lost because a few soft brains in our government once called it illegal for our dear America to properly protect and defend herself!
And so the gates went down! And so we paid a terrible price!
Whining, whimpering, ignorant dolts! What have you wrought? What are you thinking today? Do you grasp your idiocy? Do you know your disgrace?
Always we are beset by imbeciles! Crippled by their blubbering! But tomorrow we march to fight on! And we win! Because that is our destiny! Goodbye for now, Annie! Take good care of my girl, Santiago!
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 7 years ago
“The Saga of Dr. Dark”(32) 2/3-4/2018
The vampire nation will be contacting him soon.He really needs to start recruiting for his hacking-cracking outfit. The regular internet has some interesting places, but the so called “dark web” he fashions his own browser to explore it. Not much there really, porn, guns and mostly junk. But he did find what amounted to a bulletin board looking for “hot shot crackers” for hire. That is what he wants. Bringing alone some of his most human looking homonculi who can learn this and be the core beginning of his new cyber team. First he needs to get them in schools to learn the material.
Major Matt Mason Premium Member about 7 years ago
You tell ’em, Warbucks! :D
davidf42 about 7 years ago
And so ladies, tonight we consider the rest of our lives, all that lies before us.
As for me, I am off to the war again in a few hours. I’ll try to stay in touch.
Morton’s, east 45 th street, New York
So many times have I left you behind, Annie! Off I’ve always gone! Again and again! How well I grasp that! But alas, wars are made to be fought!
I know, Daddy!
And so tomorrow I will fly away. But it remains your war as well, child. Every bit as much as mine! And I know you will fight it well and true!
Yes, Annie, well and true! For every real American! For every good soul who still trusts n decency and justice in this life!
Hah! Not those educators, whose shameful fealty is to all that we have opposed! The arsonous fools amok in the public dialog, celebrating those who would destroy us!
Here we are today, eh! A generation of our best intelligence! Men lost because a few soft brains in our government once called it illegal for our dear America to properly protect and defend herself!
And so the gates went down! And so we paid a terrible price!
Whining, whimpering, ignorant dolts! What have you wrought? What are you thinking today? Do you grasp your idiocy? Do you know your disgrace?
Always we are beset by imbeciles! Crippled by their blubbering! But tomorrow we march to fight on! And we win! Because that is our destiny! Goodbye for now, Annie! Take good care of my girl, Santiago!
Yes, Warbucks!
davidf42 about 7 years ago
Morning, Anniephans!
I think I got it right. This was a tough one!
Jan C about 7 years ago
A bit preachy today, even if what he says is more true than ever.
davidf42 about 7 years ago
Instead of “educators,” could it say, “acid eaters?”
jrankin1959 about 7 years ago
“Uh, waiter? What did the party at that table order? (And could you take the fife and drum music off of the Muzak?)”