Arlo and Janis by Jimmy Johnson for November 10, 1996

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    FrederickGadd  almost 4 years ago

    This is about the Vietnam draft? Hadn’t pegged Arlo as being old enough to be at risk of being called up..

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    mcapone  over 2 years ago

    There was a Gone-with-the-wind spoof with Arlo in college, calling Nixon the antichrist. So that would have put him as draft-eligible for Vietnam.

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    fjblume2000  about 2 years ago

    To those out there who made it back: Welcome home, Bro’!

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    paul.stumme  over 1 year ago

    Number 52, and here I am!

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    Searcy9320  4 months ago

    Sadly you could have a high number, but still could not find a decent job. You could apply for a job, first thing they asked is how you stand with the Draft. Most were honest, can’t hire you due to the draft no matter how high it was. I hated to borrow from my parents, could not afford college, so at 22, I enlisted. Best thing for me, did 36 year in the Air Force.

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