Aunty Acid by Ged Backland for September 01, 2019

  1. Img 20180813 121350 hdr kindlephoto 25923426
    TXD2  over 5 years ago

    Yeah, really! It’s just so annoying when I can’t find anyone to blame but myself! :)

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  2. Marvin
    Marvin Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Are you still using the “Aunty Banking Principle? That is, so long as your check book has checks your bank account has money.

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    rAtkinson  over 5 years ago

    I wonder, can I get myself arrested for steeling from me?

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    1953Baby  over 5 years ago

    That’s why you use Quicken, Aunty. . .when I had my wisdom teeth extracted in my 30s, they gave me Percoset for pain. Feeling no pain, I proceeded to pay six bills with checks written for the full balance in my bank account. . .first, last, and only time I was ever overdrawn. . .AND I never wrote checks under the influence again (course, I haven’t taken Percoset for 40 years, either). ah, learning experiences. . .

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