Baldo by Hector D. Cantú and Carlos Castellanos for December 30, 2012
Gracie: What are you doing, Tia Carmen? Tia Carmen: Gracie, if you hide money around the house, it helps to bring prosperity in the new year! Gracie: Hey! What's this? Gracie: It's $5! Baldo: I just found $10 under my dresser. Tia Carmen: I guess my prosperity would be better... Tia Carmen: If I remembered where I tucked last year's money.
el8 about 12 years ago
My wife was just going through some old clothes to donate and found $27 wrapped in a gas reciept from Oct. 2011!
Comicdog135 about 12 years ago
I wish that i found money…
Johnnie Polo Premium Member about 12 years ago
I often find some in my wife’s handbag.
i_am_the_jam about 12 years ago
Never heard of THAT superstition….
renewed1 about 12 years ago
It certainly worked for the kids.
ncalifgirl58 about 12 years ago
Think some thieves know this.
fgehring about 12 years ago
I just found a Christmas card from my wife in 2007 with $500 with a note to buy myself a Christmas gift
TheEtruscan about 12 years ago
Unless they are $100 bills, why bother?
QuietStorm27 about 12 years ago
I once hid over $300 from myself, somehow forgot about it and found it when I really needed it.
pam Miner about 12 years ago
I love to find 5 to 10 $$ in a coat pocket in the fall.