Baldo by Hector D. Cantú and Carlos Castellanos for March 06, 2013

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  about 12 years ago

    I’m the youngest of just a brother. I’ve also an aunt with ten kids.

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    Tue Elung-Jensen  about 12 years ago

    Did she ever get that dance?

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  3. Butterfly
    QuietStorm27  about 12 years ago

    Good one. My aunt and uncle raised 6 of us, I have 6, and my best friend has the same #.

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    gaebie  about 12 years ago

    My mom was from a family with 12 kids, my dad also from a family with 12 kids. Both were 6 boys and 6 girls. Last time I checked I had 75 first cousins!

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    gaebie  about 12 years ago

    Guess Tia Maggie had the 8 kids she wanted and her husband two different kids?

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    danlarios  about 12 years ago

    cawazy wabbit

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    JoePhan  about 12 years ago

    These things happen. Once, the Royal Navy wanted to build four ships but Parliament only wanted to fund two. They compromised on six.

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    Cartoonacy  about 12 years ago

    Not necessarily. Night-Gaunt9 said that “it is insanity to have so many children when you are [rich],” but it doesn’t necessarily follow that it’s sanity when you are poor. He could be saying that it’s insane in either case. (I’m not agreeing or disagreeing with either position; just clarifying the logic: “If A then B” does not imply that “if not A then not B.”)

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    Airman  about 12 years ago

    Bea and Estella have been making cameos since last August, let Baldo get down to business with them and make some kind of choice. Personally, I like Bea.

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