good morning and happy thursday, locos Made it through ANOTHER round of storms. Got lucky since the ones with tornadoes were both north and south of me. Nice thing is I now I have someone to talk with while I’m up watching the storms on tv to see where they will hit ;-)
Man what a LIGHT SHOW I saw for free at 3 am! There was not a second between the flashes of lightning, just beautiful! According to the radio, a few tornados touched down around me, haven’t heard where yet.
It has been bizarre how weird the weather has been everywhere this winter and spring. No snow here yet, just tons of rain.
LilG has very kindly allowed me the use of her computer this morning. It was very odd though to begin my day by reading the newspaper rather than to be with you fine folks.
Dead air here. LilG went to work and didn’t need her computer so I thought that I would check in, but I guess that I am checking in with myself. No word on my computer which I take as not good news.
Cooler here today as well. Those tornados did a LOT of damage. Over 200 lives lost in the South alone. An F1 struck the neigboring county. So much damage was done they closed the schools because trees were down all over the place, power was out, etc. A lot of barns blew over in our county in the Valley, but no animals or people were hurt. And according to the Weather Channel, this is just the beginning of a long season of tornado activity.
I still can’t get over the beauty of last nights lightning storms! You know it was spectacular if I was up at 3 am watching it! That was a once in a lifetime experience I think!
Nerts, again I missed Shika! My computer is home and if it doesn’t work this time, I need a new one. Everyone keep your fingers crossed. It is funny, today I thought of a solution that might work and it turns out if I would have thought of it earlier I would not have had to take it in, because their solution was the same. Fortunately it didn’t cost me anything. What I paid the other day covered my return visit. Let us all get down on our knees and give one collective positive wish that this will work.
The Duke 1 over 13 years ago
Platinum SEO is a search engine optimizer plug in for a blog or web site. I might learn this 3 days after I’m dead! On another note, there’s been some
GRITShockey going on. Our home team won tonight in OT on the road to lead the series 2-1.
HI, MARG!!!margueritem over 13 years ago
That was a
Akenta over 13 years ago
good morning and happy thursday, locos Made it through ANOTHER round of storms. Got lucky since the ones with tornadoes were both north and south of me. Nice thing is I now I have someone to talk with while I’m up watching the storms on tv to see where they will hit ;-)
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 13 years ago
Buenas Dias Locos!
Man what a LIGHT SHOW I saw for free at 3 am! There was not a second between the flashes of lightning, just beautiful! According to the radio, a few tornados touched down around me, haven’t heard where yet.
cleokaya over 13 years ago
Buenos Dias *Locos!
It has been bizarre how weird the weather has been everywhere this winter and spring. No snow here yet, just tons of rain.
LilG has very kindly allowed me the use of her computer this morning. It was very odd though to begin my day by reading the newspaper rather than to be with you fine folks.
cleokaya over 13 years ago
My whole comic queue came up from yesterday and I had to advance each one to see today’s.
cleokaya over 13 years ago
Dead air here. LilG went to work and didn’t need her computer so I thought that I would check in, but I guess that I am checking in with myself. No word on my computer which I take as not good news.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 13 years ago
I’m here and finally done with my busy work week! I am in serious need of a nice COLD beer!
Shikamoo Premium Member over 13 years ago
It looks like you two missed each other.
HOLA LOCOS!Cool and windy after a heat wave yesterday, and tornado warnings.
Shikamoo Premium Member over 13 years ago
I finished my taxes today, finally. I got a much smaller refund than I expected, but a small refund is better than owing money to the government.
Besides, I am broke enough without owing more money.
Shikamoo Premium Member over 13 years ago
Hola Akenta I’m sorry I couldn’t have kept you company. Good to see you around. Is it Thursday ALREADY??
Hi Marg!! JFri!!, Dry!! and cleo!!
cleokaya over 13 years ago
Hola Dry and Shika!
Apparently once again my computer is ready to be picked up, which my wife is doing while in town. I hope it is fixed this time.
Shikamoo Premium Member over 13 years ago
How are your eyes cleo? They were bothering you, weren’t they?
Shikamoo Premium Member over 13 years ago
Good luck with you computer cleo. There are a lot of viruses going around.
cleokaya over 13 years ago
My eyes are still bothering me, but maybe a tad better. Like my computer, nothing gets fixed the first time around.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 13 years ago
Come back Shane, oops I mean Shika!
Cooler here today as well. Those tornados did a LOT of damage. Over 200 lives lost in the South alone. An F1 struck the neigboring county. So much damage was done they closed the schools because trees were down all over the place, power was out, etc. A lot of barns blew over in our county in the Valley, but no animals or people were hurt. And according to the Weather Channel, this is just the beginning of a long season of tornado activity.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 13 years ago
I still can’t get over the beauty of last nights lightning storms! You know it was spectacular if I was up at 3 am watching it! That was a once in a lifetime experience I think!
Shikamoo Premium Member over 13 years ago
I love a summer storm Dry. I always sleep better through a downpour too. Or the sounds of crashing waves on the beach.
I hope everyone stays safe during tornado season.
It must be movie time, because I am going to bed. Sorry I missed everyone. I was doiong my laundry.
cleokaya over 13 years ago
Nerts, again I missed Shika! My computer is home and if it doesn’t work this time, I need a new one. Everyone keep your fingers crossed. It is funny, today I thought of a solution that might work and it turns out if I would have thought of it earlier I would not have had to take it in, because their solution was the same. Fortunately it didn’t cost me anything. What I paid the other day covered my return visit. Let us all get down on our knees and give one collective positive wish that this will work.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 13 years ago
Hope it works cleo! But I ain’t gettin’ on my knees! :-D
Sorry I missed you Shika! I too love the sound of the ocean, rain on the roof, etc.! Sleep well, my friend!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 13 years ago
Oh and I love the smell of fresh mowed grass!
And with that, I say Goodnight, sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite!
cleokaya over 13 years ago
Well patooie to you Dry! If you can’t get down on your knees for a fellow gocomic addict then patooie on you, sister!