Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood morning, Locos! Today was my mom’s birthday. She hated it before she married my dad because her parents didn’t have a lot of money so they just celebrated it as part of Christmas. My dad changed all that and made sure her birthday was celebrated on her birthday and that she got presents for just that day. I miss them both. On a happier note we rolled into camp right at noon and had clam chowder for lunch. My daughter and her family arrived at 2:30. The road was clear but there was evidence of trees that had fallen across the road during the Christmas Day storm. Fortunately, no one was crushed and killed like two years ago when we had to turn around and take a detour at the site of the accident.
Cool Hand Luke Premium Member 4 days ago
Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood morning, Locos! Today was my mom’s birthday. She hated it before she married my dad because her parents didn’t have a lot of money so they just celebrated it as part of Christmas. My dad changed all that and made sure her birthday was celebrated on her birthday and that she got presents for just that day. I miss them both. On a happier note we rolled into camp right at noon and had clam chowder for lunch. My daughter and her family arrived at 2:30. The road was clear but there was evidence of trees that had fallen across the road during the Christmas Day storm. Fortunately, no one was crushed and killed like two years ago when we had to turn around and take a detour at the site of the accident.
Akenta 4 days ago
buenos días y feliz caturday=sábado=samstag=saturday=sábado(7) locos
Dry and Dusty Premium Member 4 days ago
Good morning Akenta and Luke! I hope you both have a WONDERFUL day!
Shikamoo Premium Member 3 days ago
Good night, Locos!