Okay, guys, I am NOT doing this puzzle until I have the side-by-side. Nighthawks could put dozens of changes in this one, A couple are jumping out at me, but I am not going to start counting until I’m ready to solve it.
Since I don’t want to see all you good people’s efforts to solve today’s Cleo & Co. puzzle go in vain, I going to post the solution right here and right now.
But if you peek we will send you an infestation of cats. Just see if we don’t.
I found 7 so far. I’ll get a cup of coffee and maybe I can find the other 2. I also did find another difference. They changed the date for Sherpa to be fixed to 2019 and next year, it’ll be changed to 2020.
This was the first Find the Nine Differences puzzle of the year for me! And, in honor of this momentous occasion, I found all nine!!!! Sufferin’ Succotash!!!
Thanks for doing this one, Nighthawks. Kind of like getting me in the swing of things, again.
margueritem about 16 years ago
Let us hope…
x_Tech about 6 years ago
While Ralph tries to reassure Lois , the little voices in his head tell him to pursue a vain glorious day.
DennisinSeattle about 6 years ago
Good luck Ralph. I hope Lois is there when you get home. Looks like some travel brochures in her hands.
DennisinSeattle about 6 years ago
Okay, guys, I am NOT doing this puzzle until I have the side-by-side. Nighthawks could put dozens of changes in this one, A couple are jumping out at me, but I am not going to start counting until I’m ready to solve it.
SusanSunshine Premium Member about 6 years ago
Welcome, one and all! And where is all?
Tonight we gather to solve and comment on a great Saturday puzzle ….
it’s in the Jan 19th 2019 “CLEO and COMPANY”
Which you can find on Sherpa
Montana Lady… your wish is apparently Nighthawks’ command!
You were right to suggest it… it’s perfect puzzle material.
I made a side-by-side…. (never mind that I accidentally labelled it Jan 18th… it still works. Sigh…. )
Solve away….
While Ralph’s (I hate to say), a bit insufferable in his vainglory….
it was really nice of Lois to offer to make all those fancy little chicken salad sandwiches.
I said yes, cos I wouldn’t want such a nice invitation to be in vain.
x_Tech about 6 years ago
Since I don’t want to see all you good people’s efforts to solve today’s Cleo & Co. puzzle go in vain, I going to post the solution right here and right now.
But if you peek we will send you an infestation of cats. Just see if we don’t.
GROG Premium Member about 6 years ago
He’ll eventually find out there really is no point to getting out of bed.
GROG Premium Member about 6 years ago
I guess Nermal was shipped off to Abu Dhabi.
x_Tech about 6 years ago
Okay, some one peeked! I don’t who it was but You asked for it, an infestation of cats. For your convenience, however, I’ve numbered the cats.
Cat Infestation #1: Cat Lite
CI2: Speak No Evil
CI3: Quality Control Cat
CI4: Just Stopped By
CI5: Daniel
CI6: Wasabi Cat
CI7: Name These Cats.
No I mean, who are these cats, geeze.
CI8: Wilford Brimley
katina.cooper about 6 years ago
I found 7 so far. I’ll get a cup of coffee and maybe I can find the other 2. I also did find another difference. They changed the date for Sherpa to be fixed to 2019 and next year, it’ll be changed to 2020.
MontanaLady about 6 years ago
This was the first Find the Nine Differences puzzle of the year for me! And, in honor of this momentous occasion, I found all nine!!!! Sufferin’ Succotash!!!
Thanks for doing this one, Nighthawks. Kind of like getting me in the swing of things, again.
SheMc about 6 years ago
hello everyone in Cleoland, I have been otherwise engaged for a while, I found 6 and it was difficult! So much going on! all those cute kitties ♡♡♡