I don’t get what they are! They look like gas-powered record turntables, for crying out loud! Or, maybe very badly-designed drones, that if they can ever stay up in the air, maybe Habner will be able to keep an eye on his neighbor better!
Meanwhile… Mitchell and Sally are just waiting for the Habners to move….
They’re not the type to do anything drastic…after all, they were raised to be polite…First they were going to NOT invite them to their barbecue last July…but that seemed too rude…So they just didn’t offer them seconds on Sally’s home made fudge cake.THAT would teach them…
but it didn’t.Not even painting their house purple just to annoy them has made them move away.
Maybe they won’t even buy them anything for Christmas!Take that, Habners!
If tinfoil beanies can stop aliens from monitoring people’s brainwaves…do you think maybe this handmade solid aluminum Sheriff’s hat will keep Madame Beviek from reading your mind?
gmornin fine BS city zens….as mahDam BeV stablishd yestidy thet she kin reed brayns…she nose ahm thinkin of havin a Fu “UGLY XMas Swetter Pardy” at teh TIKI tunite….!!!!!Everwun hoo wares a ugly swetter gits a picture of MUNKY’s Speshul EgNOG…. so go buy STeLs WWOI and Swetter Emporyum f’arts & crafts suplies… git yer artistik swag on…. lessee sum UGLY tunight!!!!
It always amazes me how much you ‘ballardeers’ know about the people that live in Ballard County – and you even have a lot of invasive pictures. Great story about the Habners.
If you can’t re-sell it, chuck it back over the fence. My neighbour leaves her washing to dry on the fence and it blows into my garden. I throw it back once and if it happens again, I bin it.
I don’t think it was on purpose.Habner just gave a bit too much jerk on the starter cord and lost the handle holding on to it.How many remember the ones you had to “wrap” the rope around to start? Now we have electric starters, powered walkers, auto stop blades, four stroke engines with emission controls, AND SILENCED to run quietly.Of course I remember the hand pushed manual types. My dad got one of them new ones with the two stroke engine, you had to wrap the rope around like a top, hold this, engage that, and pull. Two stroke, smoke spouting engine, sounded like a motor cross bike without a muffler…..of course it did not have one. Bright and early 7a…my dad would send ME out to cut the grass……once I learned the starting technique……nothing said “HELLO NEIGHBORS” than a screaming two stroke lawn mower at 7am on a Sunday.Ahhhhh……fondly I remember pushing that monster across the yard….never had to worry about mosquitoes……the two stroke belched enough smoke to keep them off. I smelled of oil and gas all day. Better days there.
What can I say, Red? Once I decided they looked like flying turntables, that’s all I can see when I look at them! But…I’ll take your and Bri’s word for it!! LOL
Uh, those candles are electric Bev. They might short if Fireman does that…Thanks for the Egg Nog, Fireman.Great party everyone. Ugly sweaters all around, except for Susan’s beautiful Hannukah Sweater! Although as holiday sweaters go, Susan did a great job trying to make it ugly!
BRI-NO-MITE!! Premium Member about 10 years ago
It’s no picnic living next door to Heber Habner, owner/operator of Honest Engine.
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member about 10 years ago
Heber Habner’s wife Helga knows her way around under the hood.
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member about 10 years ago
The Grandkids Harold and Helmut are in charge of any bikes that find their way into the backyard. Start ’em young" says Heber.
StelBel about 10 years ago
I don’t get what they are! They look like gas-powered record turntables, for crying out loud! Or, maybe very badly-designed drones, that if they can ever stay up in the air, maybe Habner will be able to keep an eye on his neighbor better!
SusanSunshine Premium Member about 10 years ago
Don’t forget about the family patriarch, Heber’s gran’paw Abner Habner…he started the whole thing….
SusanSunshine Premium Member about 10 years ago
Meanwhile… Mitchell and Sally are just waiting for the Habners to move….
They’re not the type to do anything drastic…after all, they were raised to be polite…First they were going to NOT invite them to their barbecue last July…but that seemed too rude…So they just didn’t offer them seconds on Sally’s home made fudge cake.THAT would teach them…
but it didn’t.Not even painting their house purple just to annoy them has made them move away.
Maybe they won’t even buy them anything for Christmas!Take that, Habners!
SusanSunshine Premium Member about 10 years ago
I’ve got something for you!
If tinfoil beanies can stop aliens from monitoring people’s brainwaves…do you think maybe this handmade solid aluminum Sheriff’s hat will keep Madame Beviek from reading your mind?
StelBel about 10 years ago
I know….. flying turntables!!
damifid0 about 10 years ago
Good morning everyone,reading Ballard Street this day. The ‘new’ air cooled engines use the cover for cooling and fuel storage. IMO. :) Peace.
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML about 10 years ago
gmornin fine BS city zens….as mahDam BeV stablishd yestidy thet she kin reed brayns…she nose ahm thinkin of havin a Fu “UGLY XMas Swetter Pardy” at teh TIKI tunite….!!!!!Everwun hoo wares a ugly swetter gits a picture of MUNKY’s Speshul EgNOG…. so go buy STeLs WWOI and Swetter Emporyum f’arts & crafts suplies… git yer artistik swag on…. lessee sum UGLY tunight!!!!
Perkycat about 10 years ago
It always amazes me how much you ‘ballardeers’ know about the people that live in Ballard County – and you even have a lot of invasive pictures. Great story about the Habners.
damifid0 about 10 years ago
Sherif M.Bluz, Please,send me one by PSYmail. I will not be able to post it to comments tho.sigh.Thanx. Peace.
ChessPirate about 10 years ago
How Heber Habner hates Henry Hoffer’s half-hearted hellos…
Peam Premium Member about 10 years ago
Perhaps the expression “strong fences make good neighbors” should be amended to “higher fences make better neighbors” in Ballard Street.
Storm F-1/4 about 10 years ago
So that’s where my doohicky and thingamabob went!………
Perkycat about 10 years ago
Great Ballard Street comics to go with this. Good job.
pcolli about 10 years ago
If you can’t re-sell it, chuck it back over the fence. My neighbour leaves her washing to dry on the fence and it blows into my garden. I throw it back once and if it happens again, I bin it.
Shikamoo Premium Member about 10 years ago
@ 2OldHelga? Did Hebner Habner divorce Helen?
Shikamoo Premium Member about 10 years ago
Hebner Habner had a haberdashery hut named “The Four H Hattery and Hubcap Home for the Hair-challenged Homeless” on the side. The other side.
Shikamoo Premium Member about 10 years ago
For example:
Shikamoo Premium Member about 10 years ago
Of course, there is always this:
Vet Premium Member about 10 years ago
I don’t think it was on purpose.Habner just gave a bit too much jerk on the starter cord and lost the handle holding on to it.How many remember the ones you had to “wrap” the rope around to start? Now we have electric starters, powered walkers, auto stop blades, four stroke engines with emission controls, AND SILENCED to run quietly.Of course I remember the hand pushed manual types. My dad got one of them new ones with the two stroke engine, you had to wrap the rope around like a top, hold this, engage that, and pull. Two stroke, smoke spouting engine, sounded like a motor cross bike without a muffler…..of course it did not have one. Bright and early 7a…my dad would send ME out to cut the grass……once I learned the starting technique……nothing said “HELLO NEIGHBORS” than a screaming two stroke lawn mower at 7am on a Sunday.Ahhhhh……fondly I remember pushing that monster across the yard….never had to worry about mosquitoes……the two stroke belched enough smoke to keep them off. I smelled of oil and gas all day. Better days there.
Shikamoo Premium Member about 10 years ago
Don’t say I didn’t warn you! Have fun guys.
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member about 10 years ago
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member about 10 years ago
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML about 10 years ago
Ah thinks STeL is bringin me wun she poot tagether…(ah heres its a doozy)
StelBel about 10 years ago
What can I say, Red? Once I decided they looked like flying turntables, that’s all I can see when I look at them! But…I’ll take your and Bri’s word for it!! LOL
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member about 10 years ago
Looks like they may be part of a flying lawnmower.
SusanSunshine Premium Member about 10 years ago
Bev….not unless it’s an ugly Hannukkah sweater….
SusanSunshine Premium Member about 10 years ago
Hey….that gave me an idea….so I’m on my way to the Tiki….
Monkey…I hope this is eligible too….
And Happy Hanukkah, everybody!
SusanSunshine Premium Member about 10 years ago
Don’t worry… they’re electric flames!Not gonna set the trees on fire… or the Tiki….
or… sigh…the world, any more.
And Steve…. yep… it was on Cleo.Cos that’s where I wrote about storage media.
JP Steve Premium Member about 10 years ago
Am I too late to submit my entry in the sweater contest?
Shikamoo Premium Member about 10 years ago
Uh, those candles are electric Bev. They might short if Fireman does that…Thanks for the Egg Nog, Fireman.Great party everyone. Ugly sweaters all around, except for Susan’s beautiful Hannukah Sweater! Although as holiday sweaters go, Susan did a great job trying to make it ugly!
Tigressy about 2 months ago
Old joke.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 2 months ago
Good morning Balladeers and Tigressy!