Barney & Clyde by Gene Weingarten; Dan Weingarten & David Clark for May 02, 2011

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    Edcole1961  almost 14 years ago

    Roughly the same tax rate.

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    lewisbower  almost 14 years ago

    EDCOLE Yeah, curse the rich and their loopholes. We only get to claim mortgage interest deduction, education deduction, child credit, personal deduction, spouse deduction, over 65 and blind, medical deductions, and the other ones the software will find. Why that means we pay taxes on almost half our income. Thank God most of that is only taxed at 17% Remember Tax the Rich, anyone who works harder than you. Heaven knows the wife notices.

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    Edcole1961  almost 14 years ago

    Working hard has nothing to do with income. I’ve pushed a broom for $1.50/hour, sat around a factory wearing a guard’s uniform for much more than that, and have had mainly thinking jobs that paid a lot more. This is still the richest country in the world. The only budget crisis we face is if the Republicans continue to keep their neo-feudalistic “Welfare for Billionaires” policy from getting repealed.

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    Ed The Red Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    If you stripped the wealthiest 400 Americans of their dough, we’d have 97% of all of the assets in the country out of the hands of people who don’t pay any taxes.

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