Depending on the bird (eagles and hawks in particular), talons can be sharp enough and strong enough to rip the shell right off a turtle so the gooey insides can be easily slurped. I’d run too.
A little kid takes a turtle back to the pet store & sez “I wanna new turtle- this one has blisters on its feet!” The surprised owner examines the little feet and, sure enough, finds blisters so he gives the kid a new turtle. The kid sez thanks, takes a seat on the carpeted floor and with turtle in hand, swings his arm exclaiming “Rrr-rrr-Vrr-oooooooooommmmm!!!
pouncingtiger almost 16 years ago
That’s talon no lie.
Digital Frog almost 16 years ago
pouncingtiger says: That’s talon no lie.
>_< Ouch
Wildmustang1262 almost 16 years ago
What the heck the turtle got startle from? I guess the turtle has sensitive touch from that bird’s talons.
PurpleVegan almost 16 years ago
Depending on the bird (eagles and hawks in particular), talons can be sharp enough and strong enough to rip the shell right off a turtle so the gooey insides can be easily slurped. I’d run too.
Radical-Knight almost 16 years ago
0 to 60 in .5 seconds
jaydubya58 almost 16 years ago
A little kid takes a turtle back to the pet store & sez “I wanna new turtle- this one has blisters on its feet!” The surprised owner examines the little feet and, sure enough, finds blisters so he gives the kid a new turtle. The kid sez thanks, takes a seat on the carpeted floor and with turtle in hand, swings his arm exclaiming “Rrr-rrr-Vrr-oooooooooommmmm!!!