Ever here it is time for earmuffs and gloves and I live in Florida! However, I remember minus ten degrees Fahrenheit and 51 inches of snow in Maryland. As seniors, my hubby and I knew we had to move. But, I understand that Ben and Olivia want to be near their daughter, son-in-law, and grandchildren. We miss our family terribly.
Linda1259 about 11 years ago
Ever here it is time for earmuffs and gloves and I live in Florida! However, I remember minus ten degrees Fahrenheit and 51 inches of snow in Maryland. As seniors, my hubby and I knew we had to move. But, I understand that Ben and Olivia want to be near their daughter, son-in-law, and grandchildren. We miss our family terribly.
jimshari222 about 11 years ago
High of 78 here today. Right now, it is 58. I don’t mind the winter here, but the summer? I can’t go outside!
loner34 about 11 years ago
40 below is 40 below, F or C don’t matter then