Ben by Daniel Shelton for September 29, 2017

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    Phred Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Simplify your life and maybe you can do it.

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    jackianne1020  over 7 years ago

    Okay, so you can’t do it on a whim. That doesn’t mean you can’t do it at all. Make you list, do it, and go!

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  3. Tarot
    Nighthawks Premium Member over 7 years ago
    advise the security patrol?——well, we ALL have to advise our security patrol of our

    comings and goings, just the other day I was talking to my security patrol….

    I’ve always included my security patrol in my xmas list because they do such a goodjob patrolling for my security

    too bad everyone can’t have their own security patrol; after all without my securitypatrol I would feel less secure than the riffraff of other housing additions who don’t havea security patrol….in fact our security patrol protects from the intrusion of that riffraff

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    DM2860  over 7 years ago

    Canceled my newspaper permanently, mail is left in a locked box and almost all is virtual so it takes weeks to get enough circulars to cause an issue, etc.

    My wife and I decided that our last dog would be our last dog so that we would be able to travel on a whim, then our son moved to where he could not keep his dog so we got the dog. Almost there!

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    edreajr  over 7 years ago

    Being spontaneous takes lots of preparation.

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    JP Steve Premium Member over 7 years ago

    I have “Betty” and “Ben” side-by-side in my queue — it’s getting hard to keep the story arcs separate!

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