Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for August 20, 1998
NATE: Like my hero, John James Audubon, I've decided to make my reputation doing paintings of wildlife! The problem is, most of the great themes are taken already! Birds, fish, dogs...It's all been done! Or should I say: almost all! FRANCIS: I'm afraid to ask. NATE: Two tubes of "Slug Gray" please.
mrfsu7524 about 11 years ago
I thought his hero was rusty sienna
wonkmaster about 8 years ago
No, he comes back.
Rachel_E over 6 years ago
SLUGS?? How professional. XD
Best Commenter Ever about 4 years ago
Nate is going to kill the slugs, paint it, and enjoy it with mustard?! Like his hero?! GROSS
MartyLikeIts1991 almost 4 years ago
Who is James Audubon??? I thought his hero was Rusty Sienna!
intimidation297 over 1 year ago
But,,, slugs are cool