DAD: Here's some money for you to buy your back to school supplies...
NATE: Awesome! Thanks, Dad! Uh...what are you doing?
DAD: I'm coming with you of course. I just want to make sure you spend that money wisely.
NATE: My own personal shopping V-Chip.
BNF_OFFICIAL789 almost 9 years ago
don’t care
wonkmaster about 8 years ago
It’s a good thing too…. last time he spent it all on video games.
NATE DA GREAT about 4 years ago
Jacop✔️ about 4 years ago
why not just re-use stuff from last year, he hasn’t changed shape or grade or anything. He still needs the exact same materials right?
STUFF ENJOYER over 1 year ago
If Marty is coming with him, why is he giving him money?