RRRIINNGG FWOOOMM "The nurse said it's the worst case of paper cuts she's ever seen."
December 09, 2018
November 28, 2018
Its my Birthday!!!!
My negative 3rd birthday!
Why didnt this happen all the other times?
He must have been dragged to the nurse’s office from his locker.
What about Mrs. Godfrey from yesterday?
I would imagine it would be painful. Am I right?
What does teddy have a bottle of? Wine?
@Ilykturtles04 I think because Nate’s face wasn’t facing directly into the locker every time he opened it.
I’m guessing that he usually steps aside when he opens his locker but forgot this time.
February 17, 2022
January 19, 2021
The Beast about 11 years ago
Its my Birthday!!!!
head1236 about 10 years ago
My negative 3rd birthday!
Ilykturtles04 over 7 years ago
Why didnt this happen all the other times?
DM9001 about 6 years ago
He must have been dragged to the nurse’s office from his locker.
Chad Cheetah about 6 years ago
What about Mrs. Godfrey from yesterday?
PvZBoss almost 6 years ago
I would imagine it would be painful. Am I right?
Crazed hippoe! over 4 years ago
SamuelZhao about 4 years ago
What does teddy have a bottle of? Wine?
Carlo Colella about 4 years ago
@Ilykturtles04 I think because Nate’s face wasn’t facing directly into the locker every time he opened it.
Arcery 8 months ago
I’m guessing that he usually steps aside when he opens his locker but forgot this time.