Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for June 07, 2006
"Mr. Galvin, what's the science final going to be like? Will it be hard, or easy, or..." "Oh, it should provide a nice challenge." "Worried about how you'll do?" "Hm? No, I'm worried about how Francis will do!" "I couldn't care less about how I'll do!" "I'd say that pretty much sums it up." "Hey, can you give Gina a harder test than everybody else?"
Tater almost 11 years ago
No, Nate. Mr. Galvin can’t give Gina a harder test than everyone else. That wouldn’t be fair.
Boxninja (".) over 7 years ago
i thuoght he would give nate a harder test
Arcery over 4 years ago
I’m hoping Nate wouldn’t do this in High School
Mario Kart over 3 years ago
Panel 3 does not lie. He NEVER cares about how well he does.
smooth_sphinx497122 about 1 year ago
Nate, don’t worry about Francis THAT much.