Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for December 21, 2007
"Dad, you can't get Ellen a cat for Christmas!" "Well, you can't get him a dog!" "Cats are disgusting!" "They smell!" "Dogs are! You smell!" "Calm down. Here's what I'll do..." "As a Christmas gift to you, Nate, I won't get Ellen a cat. And as a Christmas gift to you, Ellen, I won't get Nate a dog." "Uh... okay." "Yeah... thanks." "Well played, Dad."
De_Faulto about 12 years ago
Yes, well played.
DiscipleOfFire about 12 years ago
For someone who’s dumber than a bag of hammers, that was pretty smart.
THE #1 COOL KID! about 9 years ago
nicely played marty nicely played
ImTheRealDirtyDan over 7 years ago
“They smell” & “You smell” in P2 xD
Baby Francis Agent Of G.R.O.S.S over 5 years ago
Well played indeed.
MaxNissen over 4 years ago
Well played
depressed_meme about 4 years ago
well played, indeed
depressed_meme about 4 years ago
BishDaFish over 3 years ago
They smell!
You smell!
What kind of comeback is that?
leopardglily over 1 year ago
Nice going, Dad.
Orange Crewmate about 1 year ago
It’s kinda funny to think that while Nate’s request stayed at the status quo throughout this whole arc, he actually ruined Ellen’s request, considering hers was at “consider it” tier and was now dropped down to “no” tier because of Nate’s interference.