Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for August 30, 2008

  1. Bignate 2013 12 22 at 6 09 38 pm
    THE #1 COOL KID!  about 9 years ago

    i was Wright again

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  2. Applesnitch logo
    Applesnitch  over 8 years ago

    I love Nate’s face in panel two!

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  3. Gmm mythical
    LINK_O_NEAL  almost 7 years ago

    I never got into “girly” comics per say, not that I couldn’t but I put it into this perspective. Would the girl that I would one day date or marry like to know that I was obsessed with a comic that displayed her kind as nothing more than a body to be lusted after? I alway’s (and still do) thought that that would put the wrong idea into her head for what I liked her for and what I wanted our relationship to be. I know that this is just a comic but I do think that comics have a certain influence on the younger generation and I will say that “Femme Fatality” is the one thing in Big Nate that I don’t like. I’m not saying I hate everything about it because some of the jokes surrounding it have been funny. I’m just putting it into my perspective on how I view things like that.

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  4. 078445ec 61c3 410f 951b 4e27cc80a74f
    I luv comix  over 6 years ago

    well, that’s rude, Marty.

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  5. Large space
    runanx  about 6 years ago

    marty, i know you like nate’s comic, but this is completely insane. i mean, taking things from your own son?

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    Asadeerf  over 4 years ago

    This would be a different story if Marty was married

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    Sokka the Great  about 4 years ago

    Nate should just be glad that his dad let him get away with it

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    DankDreams  over 3 years ago

    Marty is so weird.

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    Lord Fluffernutter, Czar of the Universe   about 2 years ago

    Kinda glad they dropped these stories…

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    STUFF ENJOYER  10 months ago

    They’re both simps.

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