I made a resolution a few years ago to not eat sugar. I broke it in August. Pretty good if you ask me to keep it that long. This year I’m going to try to be more realistic and just not eat candy, well, AFTER I finish my Christmas candy THEN there will be no more… LOL I mean, who doesn’t finish there Christmas candy? LOL Francis is right though. It’s the Journey! Don’t stop! Belieeevin! you can finish that new year resoluuutiion!! cough references cough LOL
Man this comic has really gone downhill since I was 11.. I’m 15 now, just visiting for nostalgic purposes. It’s not as good as it used to be. The jokes are repetitive and boring nowadays
I’m sure all the kids have outgrown this comic along with me. So many new users, all probably below 11 years old. Man, big nate brings back some awesome memories. I still have the compilation books, even though I’ve found enough maturity to longer bother to read or enjoy them, along with Wimpy kid and Captain underpants.
I miss being an innocent, SpongeBob, wimpy kid loving, Captain underpants fanatic 10 year old :(
I disagree. When someone works very hard at something, example, John WIlliams. Writing music is hard, and getting in the industry and making that much money and winning those rewards is hard. He worked that hard to get those millions and the satisfaction of writing the greastest fil music of all time that it is about both. It is not more about one or the other.
Teddy Squareroot Ortiz about 7 years ago
Just don’t go to school.
Flapjack about 7 years ago
I know it’s a rerun, but Nate just got very smart. Take that Francis!
Flapjack about 7 years ago
In the last panel, it says ‘P.S.38 Community School’ but doesn’t P.S. stand for public school? Can someone please explain?
hev1 about 7 years ago
Isn’t Nate afraid of the “Machine” that will notify his dad immediately of his absence?
Willywise52 Premium Member about 7 years ago
Buh bye.
Hockey17 about 7 years ago
It’s good to make just one good, achievable resolution so you can really focus on it.
Lhenn about 7 years ago
People are saying that they prefer this to the normal comics, and I agree that some of the storylines are worse, but I would rather have new comics.
LINK_O_NEAL about 7 years ago
I made a resolution a few years ago to not eat sugar. I broke it in August. Pretty good if you ask me to keep it that long. This year I’m going to try to be more realistic and just not eat candy, well, AFTER I finish my Christmas candy THEN there will be no more… LOL I mean, who doesn’t finish there Christmas candy? LOL Francis is right though. It’s the Journey! Don’t stop! Belieeevin! you can finish that new year resoluuutiion!! cough references cough LOL
Rachel_E about 7 years ago
IF Nate had a resolution, he definitely would not have made a journey. ;)
toahero about 7 years ago
Apparently Francis has been reading “Way of Kings”
JoGamer 1432 about 7 years ago
this is a redo
Hypebeast Nicolas about 7 years ago
Man this comic has really gone downhill since I was 11.. I’m 15 now, just visiting for nostalgic purposes. It’s not as good as it used to be. The jokes are repetitive and boring nowadays
I’m sure all the kids have outgrown this comic along with me. So many new users, all probably below 11 years old. Man, big nate brings back some awesome memories. I still have the compilation books, even though I’ve found enough maturity to longer bother to read or enjoy them, along with Wimpy kid and Captain underpants.
I miss being an innocent, SpongeBob, wimpy kid loving, Captain underpants fanatic 10 year old :(
Artur the second about 7 years ago
I dont mind reruns
Artur the second about 7 years ago
Happy new year guys
Toomb about 7 years ago
I for one like to read new strips, but I’m not against reruns either
Toomb about 7 years ago
Over-Confident Nate (Comic Reviewer) about 4 years ago
lol. i get it
zelda.inkantation about 4 years ago
I sense a Stormlight Archive reference.
Vernon Wright almost 4 years ago
I disagree. When someone works very hard at something, example, John WIlliams. Writing music is hard, and getting in the industry and making that much money and winning those rewards is hard. He worked that hard to get those millions and the satisfaction of writing the greastest fil music of all time that it is about both. It is not more about one or the other.
PersonThatExists almost 4 years ago
This comic is my bookmark to get on gocomics, have seen it about 50 times at this point
Saturn about 3 years ago