its the beard
He’s a clown, that Charlie Brown.
I facedbooked a picture of this last week, an actual guy walking around town, looking like Charlie Brown!
If I ever find a shirt with that pattern, I’ll have to buy it and walk around saying “Good Grief.”
Good grief, Mr. Harry Bliss!…1c.rMrb0MTuRo8&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=65817657481ee744&biw=1876&bih=975
The man difinetly has Charlie Brown syndrome. Symptoms; “I’m a loser in everything” “Nobody likes me.” “I can’t do anything right.”
A squid eating dough in a polyethylene bag is fast and bulbous. Got me?
chireef over 12 years ago
its the beard
J Short over 12 years ago
He’s a clown, that Charlie Brown.
Tom Falco over 12 years ago
I facedbooked a picture of this last week, an actual guy walking around town, looking like Charlie Brown!
dirtking239 over 12 years ago
If I ever find a shirt with that pattern, I’ll have to buy it and walk around saying “Good Grief.”
Darryl Heine over 12 years ago
Good grief, Mr. Harry Bliss!
RubyRedRing54 over 12 years ago…1c.rMrb0MTuRo8&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=65817657481ee744&biw=1876&bih=975
iced tea over 12 years ago
The man difinetly has Charlie Brown syndrome. Symptoms; “I’m a loser in everything” “Nobody likes me.” “I can’t do anything right.”
ChucklinChuck over 12 years ago
A squid eating dough in a polyethylene bag is fast and bulbous. Got me?