Bliss by Harry Bliss for August 27, 2016

  1. Img 0910
    BE THIS GUY  over 8 years ago

    And make sure they have good coleslaw.

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    Charlie Tuba  over 8 years ago

    Beef or pork?

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  3. Large thorkellsigcopie
    Pharmakeus Ubik  over 8 years ago

    Buddhist monks shouldn’t be eating meat, so he best be talking about a McRib, or a slab of tofu ribs.

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    NWdryad  over 8 years ago
    Not all Buddhists are vegetarians. There are differing reasons for this. For instance Tibetans colonized the Tibetan plateau roughly 10,000 years ago. There’s not much in the way of edible food that can be cultivated at that altitude, so their bodies have evolved to require meat and many cannot stay healthy without it.

    Judging by their robes, this monks are not to batten. I think the joke is that they are so skinny that their ribs show.

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    NWdryad  over 8 years ago

    P.S. Some may quibble with what I said about Tibetans’ physiological need for meat protein. That was a generalization because this is just a comment and not meant to be an exposition.

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    rfeinberg  over 8 years ago

    Can someone explain this? Is it because they’re skinny and their ribs are exposed that he’s thinking about ribs???

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