6 Tips for Going Back to Work After a Holiday
by GoComicsAfter indulging in food, spending time with family and partaking in other holiday festivities, January always comes far too soon. Sneaking up on you as you're enjoying your time away from the office, reality rears its ugly head and the back-to-work blues set in. Anxiety strikes as jingle bells are replaced by alarm clock blares, and you realize you can't snooze away that never-ending stream of email.
Our list of post-holiday pro tips can help you get back into your workday grind:
1. Don't waste time dwelling on your vacation's end. Switch your brain to work mode and jump right back into the swing of things!
2. Remember, parents: Time at work means a break from your job at home.
3. Surround yourself with positive thoughts.
4. If you must hold a meeting on the first day back, keep it short!
5. Fuel yourself up for success: coffee is a must.
6. Put things in perspective: returning to work post-holiday can be a struggle, but before you get too stressed out, consider the alternative"...