6 Signs Winter is on Its Way
by GoComicsIt only takes a glance at the calendar or walk in the brisk air to remind us winter is on its way. If you start to look around, you'll notice six more signs that guarantee Old Man Winter is nearby.
1. Hat Hair.
Now-necessary clothing can lead to embarrassing situations.
2. Sweets and Treats.
Seasonal favorites are making their way from grocery store shelves to tickled tummies.
3. Bare Trees.
Fall has fallen, leaving behind barren branches where beautiful leaves once hung.
4. Smells and Sounds.
When you step outside, the sounds of lawnmowers and leaf blowers have been replaced by snow blowers, and the delicious scent of hamburgers on the grill has been traded for the cozy scent of burning wood.
5. More and more lazy days.
Nothing says winter like a day spent huddled up with hot cocoa and a warm fire.
6. The arrival of the Snow Goons.
The seasonal war that rages between Calvin and Hobbes and the tyrannical "snow goons" has begun.
Can't wait for winter? Find a winter wonderland of comics here.