Grab Your Rubber Duckies!
by GoComicsToday (Oct. 7) is Bathtub Day, and we are filled to the brim with excitement because we have bubbly bathtime 'toons for you all to soak up!
What may initially seem like an off-the-wall topic, bathtubs hold some of the most hilarious moments on GoComics. Our features are foaming with funnies about the beauty of bath time, as many of our characters treasure their time in the tub.
It's a chance to wind down after a long day:
(Or, at least, try to):
Even those who loathe getting lathered up know that resistance is futile.
Soap can be a saving grace.
Even Calvin, in all his stubbornness, knows that you have to be clean before you can get dirty, making today's bath crucial to tomorrow's adventure.
Most importantly, without bath time, how could you ever enjoy bath toys?
Have a relaxing, rubber duck-filled Bathtub Day, comic fans!