Create Your Own Comics on ComicBookPaper.Com!
by GoComicsReading comics is a blast, but have you ever wondered what it would be like to try your hand at creating them? Now, with Comic Book Paper's 100+ free, downloadable templates, you can indulge your curiosity and let your creativity shine, and discover what it's like to be on the other side of the funny pages!
After deciding on a panel count and layout, you can download your template for free, and choose between printing it out or opening it in your favorite digital editing software. From there, you just let the magic happen! Download. Print. Create. It's as simple as that!
Click here to get started, and feel free to share your creations with us on Facebook or Twitter. We'd love to see what you come up with!
Looking for more inspiration? Hear what inspires GoComics cartoonists in our "Meet Your Creator" series.