Crazy for Cones
by GoComicsThey are the people who attempt to sample as many flavors as socially acceptable at Baskin Robbins, making it through all 31 on a slow day; who know the ice cream truck's jingle by heart and live for the thrill of chasing it down; who get giddy at the thought of sprinkles and, no matter how full they are, know that there is always room left for ice cream.
Ice cream fanatics; they're everywhere on GoComics, and - with July being National Ice Cream Month - we thought we'd give a shout-out in admiration to some of our favorites. We all scream for ice cream, but no one goes as crazy for a cone as them.
A clever breed, these ice cream connoisseurs constantly make us laugh with their undying devotion to tasty frozen treats.
While some people can be thwarted by obstacles such as hot pavement "...
Our comic ice cream buffs let no evil stand in their way.
They laugh in the face of brain freeze, knowing that when it comes to a sundae, there's no time to waste.
Although there is something for everyone on the neighborhood ice cream truck "...
Why would anyone settle for just one something? The word "moderation" is not in the ice cream-lover's vocabulary.
But don't think that a quadruple-decker cone means they're going to share "...