You'll Be Drawn To These Colorful National Crayon Day Comics
by Caleb GoellnerEdwin Binney and C. Harold Smith founded the company that would go on to create Crayola on March 31, 1885. That makes this National Crayon Day.
Even though it'd be almost two decades before they produced what you'd recognize as a modern crayon, over 130+ years and an acquisition by relative GoComics neighbor Hallmark, they effectively popularized the things and made them a formative artistic tool among kids. Can you imagine your childhood without them? Maybe you can if you were born with an iPad in your hand. If so, we imagine you were a pretty buff baby. I mean, they're light but not that light.
This March 31, we honor the Crayola crew's contributions to training scores of generations of young artists in color theory. We're sure you've got several apps available for buff babies, too.
Read on for all the crayon comics you can fit in a golden cardboard box.
The Argyle Sweater by Scott Hilburn Jan 14, 2014
Peanuts by Charles Schulz Sep 2, 1990
Frank and Ernest by Thaves May 3, 2000
Nancy by Guy Gilchrist Jun 2, 2005
Baldo by Hector D. Cantu and Carlos Castellanos Nov 17, 2015
Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson Mar 8, 2009
Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson Nov 14, 1988
Wallace the Brave by Will Henry Oct 28, 2016
Peanuts by Charles Schulz July 16, 1960
Thatababy by Paul Trap Oct 10, 2010
Heart of the City by Mark Tatulli May 21, 2014
Thatababy by Paul Trap Jan 17, 2011
Soup to Nutz by Rick Stromoski Jan 14, 2004
Monty by Jim Meddick Feb 16, 2012
The Buckets by Greg Cravens April 15, 2005
GROG Premium Member almost 8 years ago
And what would Linus say of the death of dandelion that was announced today?
beautydog57 almost 8 years ago
Thatababy and Calvin & Hobbes are the best!!