April Fools' Day: 'Webcomic Name' Becomes The Butt Of Its Own Joke In 'Webcomic Of Art'
by Caleb GoellnerLast summer Dorris McComics creator Alex Norris began exploring webcomic tropes with nondescript characters in the equally nondescript-titled webcomic name. The comic typically follows a bright-colored blob personifying the average webcomic creator in the average webcomic, and ends with the running gag "Oh no." As seen in our Make Up Your Own Holiday Day gallery, it reconciles deconstruction and reduction with appreciation and originality and acts as a kind of webcomics Golden Ratio. Still, end of the day, Norris has still been poking a little fun at his fellow cartoonists for almost a year. This April Fools' Day, his peers poked back with webcomicofart (easily read as Webcomic o' Fart), a massive catalog of 3-panel gags rich with flatulence, all Photoshopped or otherwise adapted from Norris originals.
With 63-and-counting anonymous posts since as early as October, webcomicofart has parodied a little more than a third of Norris' some 150 originals. The level of commitment is a step past even his recent fan-submitted comic contest.
It's a palpable -- if scatological -- celebration of the webcomics ecosystem made all the richer by its April 1st launch. You can feel (and smell?) the love.
The power of comics is validated once again. Oh yes.
More or Less Premium Member almost 8 years ago
dan hartford almost 8 years ago
it stinks
Max Starman Jones almost 8 years ago
That is one minute of my life that I will never get back.
paullp Premium Member almost 8 years ago
At first, I thought that messing with the original comics with a bunch of fart jokes was as lame an idea as “Garfield without Garfield.” But then it occurred to me that the level of humor and art in the no-name comic being parodied here could be created by a seven year old, and is deserving of being farted on.