Emotional Comics For Roller Coaster Day
by The GoComics TeamThe history of the modern roller coaster has just about as many twists, turns, and immense drops as the rides themselves. In fact, you'd get motion sickness just reading about how Russia had these things called "Aerial Promenades," in the early 1800s, and then how coal carts got turned into "Gravity Railroads," and then how Coney Island followed it up with a "Switchback Railway" before somebody created a "Scenic Railway" in 1886 -- it's all a bunch of details until the true, blue "Roller-coaster" debuted via patent on August 16, 1898. Hold up... August 16? Oh, that's today. No wonder it's Roller Coaster Day!
If you can't swing a theme park visit today, fear not. We've got hilarious comics that simulate all the spills, chills and thrills below.
FoxTrot By Bill Amend July 26, 2015
Garfield By Jim Davis Aug 19, 2011
Brevity By Dan Thompson Oct 5, 2008
Zen Pencils By Gavin Aung Than Aug 12, 2013
The Argyle Sweater By Scott Hilburn Sept 26, 2010
Brevity By Dan Thompson Aug 30, 2009
The Flying McCoys By Glenn McCoy and Gary McCoy Mar 10, 2013
F Minus By Tony Carrillo July 31, 2009