11 Cheesy Comics For Mickey Mouse Day
by The GoComics TeamEven though Mickey Mouse first appeared in a silent version of the Plane Crazy short in May of 1928, the cartoon character's *official* debut didn't take place until the release of Steamboat Willie on November 18 of that year. Thus, today is set aside as Mickey Mouse Day, to remember Walt Disney and Ub Iwerks' radical rodent.
Interestingly, Mickey's creation at Disney's Laugh-O-Gram Studio happened not far from the present day GoComics offices in Kansas City, Missouri. The Laugh-O-Gram building isn't much to look at these days (although many have endeavored to keep it from total collapse), but it's comforting to stand before it, nod, and know that somewhere in the vicinity is the nearly 90-year-old skeleton of the tame mouse that inspired Iwerks to draw a character Disney dug.
Get moving on this Mickey Mouse Day with these 11 comics, all the while thanking the late Lillian Disney for talking her husband out of calling him Mortimer.
The Argyle Sweater By Scott Hilburn May 12, 2016
Calvin and Hobbes By Bill Watterson Oct 1, 1986
Off the Mark By Mark Parisi Oct 9, 2009
Peanuts By Charles Schulz Oct 13, 1996
Garfield By Jim Davis July 29, 1978
Garfield By Jim Davis June 14, 1991
Off the Mark By Mark Parisi July 18, 2014
Peanuts By Charles Schulz Nov 26, 1955
Ziggy By Tom Wilson & Tom II April 26, 1972
FoxTrot By Bill Amend Mr 25, 2004
The Flying McCoys By Glenn McCoy and Gary McCoy Dec 10, 2009
BiggerNate91 about 7 years ago
Absolutely made my day!!!