GoComics Update: New Comic Overview Page
by The GoComics TeamOur mission at GoComics is to help more people discover and love comics as well as comic creators just like we do! This means trying new ideas on GoComics to provide ways for creators to be successful, so they can keep making more comics for all of us to enjoy.
New Comic Overview page
We have recently introduced a new page to the GoComics site. Every creator now has an Overview page to highlight and promote items that are important to them. This could be things like upcoming events, collections of themed comics, or book releases. We know that many comic fans visit the site every day to read their favorites, but then they leave and most of them don't realize that GoComics has more to offer them.
But I just want to read my comics!
We also know that many of our most loyal users want to see their daily comics as fast as possible. While the Overview page offers some great benefits to creators and casual readers, it can slow down the comic viewing experience for people that know exactly what they want.
Here are two ways to go straight to the daily comic:
1. The A to Z comics page will skip the Overview page and link directly to the comic strip.
2. If you sign up for a free account, you can follow all your favorite comics. The “Comics I Follow” page (screenshot below) will give you quick access by letting you click through all the comics that have updated that day.
Thanks for your patience as we work to expand the world of comic fans to ensure we can all enjoy GoComics while supporting our amazing creators for years to come!
The GoComics Team
docsavae almost 7 years ago
Thanks for nothing! Your new layout requires twice the number of entries to read a favorite cartoon. Then it is so small it’s almost impossible for these 80 year old eyes to make out. At this rate you will soon lose me as a reader.
Hank Gillette Premium Member almost 7 years ago
When I had the free account, it also showed my selected comics that had NOT updated that day.
Hank Gillette Premium Member almost 7 years ago
Is there someplace to report a bug in the site?
Clay Sisk Premium Member almost 7 years ago
What’s the status of the new comics sherpa?
Andrew Pilcher Premium Member almost 7 years ago
I’ll repeat that question. What is the status of the new Comics Sherpa? After 18 months waiting it should be pretty damn perfect and ready to launch by now.
jerrya1946 over 6 years ago
Isn’t there a stable URL which will take me directly to today’s comic without having to go through the Overview page or the “Comics I Follow” page?