Bloom County by Berkeley Breathed for June 13, 1983

  1. Phoenix
    dawnsfire  over 10 years ago

    “I want my MTV!”“Video killed the radio star”.Back in the day when there were actually music videos found there…

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  2. Wootietootlight1
    Wootietoot  almost 7 years ago

    Great take on the Maxell tape ad….

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  3. Aoh14ggppqwxcow5lsnoprapx 1xsgtpgr2fsvysm w8
    CoachRDW1  over 4 years ago

    MTV … wow. I’m sure it’s hard to really understand for those born right at, or after, the advent of internet → Pandora → YouTube – Spotify and all the rest. But for us? So many hours watched during the 80s, from the time it debuted, to the very early 90s. In 1983 my friend’s family had a big sat dish, so we sat there like ProtoBeavis and ProtoButthead watching every video, including the inevitable near-infinite repeats … later my family got cable; if you had cable TV and kids you just about had to have MTV in your house.

    Before long, in houses and dorms and frat houses and bars and little burger places … you name it, all the places like that and many more … had MTV on in the background pretty much constantly. We watched it all through college up until the reality craze hit with “Real World”.

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