Reminds me of a major league catcher, I can’t remember the name, who could throw out runners trying to steal a base but couldn’t toss the ball to the pitcher. It would either go over the pitcher’s head or in the dirt. He finally started rolling the ball to the pitcher.
C almost 3 years ago
Do your best anyway
The Pro from Dover almost 3 years ago
It even happened to the fundamentally sound Chuck Knoblauch.
R.U. Kidding almost 3 years ago
Steve Sax. Rick Ankiel.
MCProfessor almost 3 years ago
Reminds me of a major league catcher, I can’t remember the name, who could throw out runners trying to steal a base but couldn’t toss the ball to the pitcher. It would either go over the pitcher’s head or in the dirt. He finally started rolling the ball to the pitcher.