The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for March 19, 2001
Granddad, thinking: Hmmm. There goes that boy again, listening to that awful gangsta rap music. All day long. Nothin' but that filth-flarn-flarn-filth in his hear.. Granddad: Give me them headphones, boy. Let me hear this trash for myself... Riley: Yo!! Grandad: Is this Lauryn Hill? Riley: No!! It's Mob Deep!! It's Mob Deep!!
DJaxs312 almost 14 years ago
suzannetangerine about 13 years ago
Yeah, the repeats happened amazingly early—I remember hearing that Aaron McGruder had some issues with burnout. I haven’t seen the animated cartoon, but that format is apparently a better fit for his talents, as I think it’s still thriving.