The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for November 25, 2004

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    Mskccemp09  almost 15 years ago

    …SAY THAT NOW PUNK!!!…haha…

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    n0cturnalbynature  over 12 years ago

    Wow, Aaron Mcgruder was WAY off here. He got TWO things terribly wrong XD

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    RoxasOrDie  almost 12 years ago

    Lets say… No one uses Bing, Apple computers are slightly popular, and the iPod turns into the iPhone.

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    hugwf  over 6 years ago

    turned out dead on, even though for eight years it looked like it wasn’t going to

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    phobos  over 4 years ago

    Obama was an snake oil salesman that conned millions first time around. The second time, he barely won re-election. Romney should have put up a fight instead of cowering. If he had, he likely would be finishing his second term now.

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    FrostbiteFalls  7 months ago

    First mention of Obama, though not spoken with a lot of confidence. If Huey only knew then…

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