The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for March 05, 2006
Granddad: Huey! I need you to shovel the walkway! Huey! Did you wash the dishes! Huey! I thought I told you to vacuum! Huey! Don't forget to clean out the fridge! Hee-hee... that's the last time that boy beats me in Madden. RileY: Ooh, another touchdown, granddad. You're good. Huey, grab me a grape soda while you're in the fridge.
Vinson555 almost 11 years ago
Mijo94 over 9 years ago
Poor Huey :(
Ellis97 almost 6 years ago
It’s always the smart guy who does the hard work.
REMTI999 over 4 years ago
what lazy bums.
FrostbiteFalls 5 months ago
So Huey’s being punished for being better than Robert at something? The old coot’s priorities are way askew.