The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for February 28, 2009
Riley: Huey said you're working on a movie. You get paid doing that? Caesar: I'll probably get half a million for this one. Riley: Half a million?! Is it hard? Caesar: Naw... Riley: Well, shoot. Why try to be a hustler or even a rap star?! I'm gonna do movies! Caesar: Of course, you do have to, you know... read stuff. Riley: Dag! Wish you had said that before I got all excited.
margueritem almost 16 years ago
Scratch another possible career, Riley.
SamFP almost 16 years ago
Just be a Hustler and a Rap star in a movie …….
blackman2732 almost 16 years ago
Close one, Riley. Keepin’ it real means staying on your toes at all times. Of course, that also involves thinking which…..
Geekologist almost 16 years ago
Riley obviously has never been in a good fight. He needs the experience. Teaches you that fighting is NOT a good way to make a living REAL fast.